On The Radio/last Dance

Description: 64-Count 4-Wall Line Dance
Choreographer: Gordon Elliot, 1998
Music: "On The Radio/Last Dance"

Original Position:

Feet together weight on the Left foot.
Note: Dance is repeated for five sequences. After the instrumental joining the two songs, only the second half of the dance (*) is done. The dance will end facing the back, but there is one beat remaining where you turn to face the front wall and point forward.

Count Steps

R 45, Together, L 45, Together, Heels, Toes, Toes, Heels
1-2 Touch R heel at 45 degrees, Step R together.
3-4 Touch L heel at 45 degrees, Step L together.
5-6 Split heels apart, Split toes apart.
7-8 Bring toes to centre, Bring heels to centre.

Side, Bronco, Touch, Brono, Side, Bronco, Touch, Bronco
1-2 Step R to the side, Hitch L knee across body & slap with R hand.
3-4 Touch L toe to the side, Hitch L knee across body & slap with R hand.
5-6 Step L to the side, Hitch R knee across body & slap with L hand.
7-8 Touch R toe to the side, Hitch R knee across body & slap with L hand.

Side, Kick, Side, Kick, Vine back & Touch back
1-2 Step R to the side, Kick L across in front of right.
3-4 Step L to the side, Kick R across in front of left.
5-6 Vine:  Step R back, Step L back.
7-8 Step R back, Touch L toe back.

Forward, Lock, Forward, Scuff, Forward, 1/2 Turn, Forward, 1/2 Turn
1-2 Step L forward, Lock R behind left.
3-4 Step L forward, Scuff R forward.
5-6 Step R forward, Turn 180 degrees left, take weight on L.
7-8 Step R forward, Turn 180 degrees left, take weight on L.

Stomp, Hold, Stomp, Hold, Jump, Kick, Coaster step
1*-2* Stomp R to the side, Hold.
3*-4* Stomp L to the side, Hold.
5*-6* Jump feet together, Kick R forward.
7*&8* Coaster:  Step R back, Step L back, Step R forward.

Shuffle, Forward, Rock back, Shuffle, 1/2 Turn shuffle
1*-2* Shuffle forward:  L-R-L.
3*-4* Step R forward, Rock back on L.
5*-6* Shuffle Back:  R-L-R.
7*&8* Turn 180 degrees left, Shuffle forward:  L-R-L.

Paddle turn, Paddle turn, Stomp, Stomp, Clap, Clap
1*-2* Paddle:  Step R forward, Turn 90 degrees left, take weight on L.
3*-4* Paddle:  Step R forward, Turn 90 degrees left, take weight on L.
5*-6* Stomp R forward, Stomp L together..
7*&8* Clap, Clap.

Vine & 1/4 Turn, 1/4 Turn, 1/4 Turn, Shuffle
1*-2* Vine:  Step R to the side, Step L behind right.
3*-4* Turn 90 degrees right, Step R forward, Touch L together.
5* Turn 90 degrees left, Step L to the side.
6* Turn 90 degrees left, Step R forward.
7*&8* Shuffle forward:  L-R-L.

64: Repeat The Dance In New Direction

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