Moving On Up

Description: 64-Count 2-Wall Line Dance
Level: Adv. Beg./Easy Interm.
Choreographer: Charlotte Skeeters, San Francisco Bay Area (510)462-6572 1/10/98
Music: "Moving On Up"  by Scooter Lee (count 16 then start dance)
Prepared by: Charlotte Skeeters/Instructor/Choreorgrapher/Step Description Editor San Francisco, CA   (510) 462-6572, fax (510) 462-0130
e-mail -

NOTE: This dance can be enjoyed by all levels of dance experiance, as many of the patterns are exact repeats or mirror image of the previous counts, as indicated below.

Count Steps

Forward, Back, Back, Hold, Cross, Back, 1/4 Left, HOLD:
1 - 4 Right rock-step forward; Left rock-step back; Right step back at a slight angle right; HOLD
5 - 6 Left cross over right (still moving at a slight angle back); Right step straight back (still angling)
7 - 8 Left step side left into 1/4 turn left; HOLD

Forward, Snap Heel, Side, Snap Heel, Forward, Snap Heel, Side, HOLD:
1 - 2 Right forward (on ball of foot) in front of left & bring Left heel up; Snap Left heel down (weight's left)
3 - 4 Right step side right (on ball of foot) & bring Left heel up; Snap Left heel down
5 - 6 Right forward (on ball of foot) in front of left & bring Left heel up; Snap Left heel down (weight's left)
7 - 8 Right step side right (left stays in place); HOLD

Forward, Back, Back, Hold, Cross, Back, 1/4 Right, HOLD:
1 - 4 Left rock-step forward; Right rock-step back; Left step back at a slight angle left; HOLD
5 - 6 Right cross over left (still moving at a slight angle back); Left step straight back (still angling)
7 - 8 Right step side right into 1/4 turn right; HOLD

Forward, Snap Heel, Side, Snap Heel, Forward, Snap Heel, Side, HOLD:
1 - 2 Left forward (on ball of foot) in front of right & bring Right heel up; Snap Right heel down (weight's right)
3 - 4 Left step side left (on ball of foot) & bring Right heel up; Snap Right heel down
5 - 6 Left forward (on ball of foot) in front of right & bring Right heel up; Snap Right heel down (weight's right)
7 - 8 Left step side left (right stays in place); HOLD
(you have returned to face starting wall)

Run, Run, Run, Hop/Scoot 1/4, Back, Back, Back, Hop/Scoot:
(The Run/steps are meant to be done with short running strides forward and back)
& - (Optional Styling) To "launch" the following running steps, bend right knee kicking heel up behind.
1 - 3 Run/step forward Right; Left; Right
4 - Hop/Scoot forward on Right into 1/4 turn Right as you bring Left knee up
5 - 7 Run/step back Left; Right; Left
8 Hop/Scoot forward on Left as you bring Right knee up)

Run, Run, Run, Hop/Scoot 1/4, Back, Back, Back, HOLD:
1 - 6 REPEAT above 1-6
7 - 8 Stomp Left side left; HOLD

Cross, Ball, Forward, Hold/Clap, Cross, Ball, Forward, Hold/Clap:
(The following Cross, Ball, Forward steps are danced progressing slightly forward)
1 - 4 Right cross-step behind left; Left step side left; Right step side right; HOLD & CLAP
5 - 8 Left cross-step behind right; Right step side right; Left step side left; HOLD & CLAP

1 - 8 REPEAT above 8 counts.


Scooter Lee Enterprizes Inc.
P.O. Box 941505 - Atlanta, GA  31141   USA
1-800-531-4379    404-634-9547   FAX - 404-634-1726

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