Country Roads

Choreographer: Kate Sala (UK).
Description: 32 Counts. 4 Wall. Intermediate Level Line Dance.
Music: “Country Roads” by Hermes House Band.
Alternative Music: `Oee Oee O’ by Scooter Lee.

Walk Forward, Forward Coaster Step, Shuffle Back, Kick Ball Change.
1, 2        Walk forward right, left
3 & 4     Step forward on right. Step left next to right. Step back on right.
5 & 6     Step back on left. Close right beside left. Step back on left.
7 & 8     Kick right forward. Step ball of right next to left. Step left in place.

Vaudevilles with ¼ Turn Right. Cross Step. Back Step With ¼ Turn Right. Coaster Step.
1 & 2     Cross step right over left. Turn ¼ right stepping left back. Touch right heel diagonally forward right.
& 3 &    Step right in place. Cross step left over right. Step right to right side & slightly back.
4 &        Touch left heel diagonally forward left. Step left next to right.
5 6        Cross step right over left. Turn ¼ right stepping back on left.
7 & 8     Step back on right. Step left next to right. Step forward on right.

Left Shuffle, Kick, Out, Out, Sailor Turn, Left Shuffle.
1 & 2     Step forward on left. Close right beside left. Step forward on left.
3 & 4     Kick right forward. Step right to right side. Step left out to left side. (Feet shoulder width apart with
             weight on 
5 & 6     Cross-step right behind left. Turn ¼ right stepping left to left side. Step forward on right.
7 & 8     Step forward on left. Close right beside left. Step forward on left.

Heel, Toe, Heel - Hook – Heel, Heel, Toe, Heel – Hook – Heel.
1 & 2 & Dig right heel forward. Step right in place. Touch left toe behind. Step left in place.
3 & 4 & Dig right heel forward. Hook right heel across left shin. Dig right heel forward. Step right in place.
5 & 6 & Dig left heel forward. Step left in place. Touch right toe back. Step right in place.
7 & 8 & Dig left heel forward. Hook left heel across right shin. Dig left heel forward. Step left in place.

Start again

Notes: When danced to the song `Country Roads’ you must add the following simple extension:
It begins when the music slows down at the end of wall 5.
Join hands with the people either side.
1 2 3 4 Walk forward on right, left, right, left. (Bending the knees slightly on count 2 and coming up onto the balls of the feet on count 4). Start on count 1 with your arms low and raise them slowly, so on
count 4 the arms are raised in the air and hands still joined
5 6 7 8 Walk back on right, left, right, left. Bringing the arms back to the sides.
Repeat the above 8 counts.

1 2 3 4 Turn ¼ left stepping right to right side. Joining hands with the people either side.
Cross step left behind right, bending knees slightly. Step right to right side. Touch left next to right.
5 6 7 8 Step left to left side. Cross step right behind left, bending knees slightly. Step left to left side.
Touch right next to left.
Repeat the above 8 counts leaving out the ¼ turn.
Start main dance again from the beginning. Have Fun!