Bad Thang

Description: 32-Count 4-Wall Line Dance
Level: Intermediate
Choreographer: Max Perry  (203) 798-9312 or
Music: "You Bad Thang"
  by SCOOTER LEE   on Childline EP

Count Steps

Left Forward, Bounce Heel 3 Times, Right Forward, Bounce Heel 3 Times
1,2,3,4,& Place Left foot forward (1), Bounce Heel 3 times (2,3,4), Quickly Step Left next to Right
5,6,7,8 Place Right foot forward (5), Bounce Heel 3 Times (6,7,8)

2 Sailor Shuffles
1&2 Cross Right behind left, Step Left to left side, Step Right in place
3&4 Cross Left behind Right, Step Right to right side, Step Left in place

Step R Forward, Twist Both Heels In,Out, Step Out, Out, Clap
5&6 Step Right forward, Twist both heels in (&), Twist both heels out (6)
&78 Step Right to right side (&), Step Left to left side (7), Clap hands (8), feet shoulder width apart

Running Man
1& Step Right diagonally forward & Left diagonally back (1), Slide Right towards Home position & Hitch Left knee (&)
2& Step Left diagonally forward & Right diagonally back (2), Slide Left towards Home position & Hitch Right knee (&)
3&4& Repeat Right & Left Running Man

Two 1/8 Turns with Hip Rolls
5,6,7,8 Step Right forward & turn 1/8 left (5), Step in place with Left (6), Step Right forward & turn 1/8 left (7), Step in place with Left (8) - Rotate hips counter-clockwise (left to right) twice.
The total amount of turn is 1/4 over steps 5-8

Mashed Potatoes (Charleston Swivels)
&1 Swivel both toes in (&), Swivel both toes out as you step back with Right foot (1)
&2 Swivel both toes in (&), Swivel both toes out as you step back with Left foot (2)
&3 Swivel both toes in (&), Swivel both toes out as you step back with Right foot (3)
&4 Swivel both toes in (&), Swivel both toes out (4)
&5 Swivel both toes in (&), Swivel both toes out as you step back with Left foot (5)
&6 Swivel both toes in (&), Swivel both toes out as you step back with Right foot (6)
& Swivel both toes in (&)

Left Coaster Step
7&8& Step Left back (7), Step Right next to Left (&), Step Left forward (8), Step Right up to Left for (&)

Repeat Entire Sequence!

Remember, the dance will start on the vocals when the beat kicks in! (on "you touched me...")

Scooter Lee Enterprizes Inc.
P.O. Box 941505 - Atlanta, GA  31141   USA
1-800-531-4379    404-634-9547   FAX - 404-634-1726

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Web Design: Premier Web Designs