All My Tricks

Description: 64-Count 2-Wall Line Dance
Level: Beginner/Intermediate
Choreographer: Joanne Brady, Hockessin, DE 1997
Phone: (302) 239-5914
Music: "Be Young, Be Foolish, Be Happy"
From her "By Request...the Disco/Dance" Album

Count Steps

Basic East Coast Swing

1 & 2 Shuffle Right, Left, Right in place
3 & 4 Shffle Left, Right, Left in place
5, 6 Rock back on Right, Step in place on Left

Basic East Coast Swing

1 & 2 Shuffle Right, Left, Right in place
3 & 4 Shffle Left, Right, Left in place
5, 6 Rock back on Right, Step in place on Left

1, 2 Rock forward on Right, Step in place on Left
3, 4 Rock back on Right, Step in place on Left.

1, 2 Scuff R heel fwd, Rock or cross R heel in front of L leg
3, 4 Scuff R heel fwd, Step fwd on Right foot
5, 6 Scuff L heel fwd, Rock or cross L heel in front of R leg
7, 8 Scuff L heel fwd, Step fwd on Left foot

1, 2, 3, 4 Touch R Toe fwd (1), tap R heel on 2, 3 & 4
5, 6, 7, 8 Touch L Toe fwd (5), tap L heel on 6, 7 & 8

1, 2 Cross R toe in front of L foot (1), Drop R heel (2)
3, 4 With L toe step to L (3), Drop L heel (4)
5, 6 Cross R toe behind L foot (5), Drop R heel (6)
7, 8 With L toe step to L (7), Drop L heel (8)

1 & 2 Kick R fwd, Step back on ball of R while traveling slightly to R,
Slightly lifting L, Step down on L
3 & 4 Repeat above kick ball traveling slightly to Right
5 & 6 Repeat above kick ball traveling slightly to Right
7 & 8 Repeat above kick ball traveling slightly to Right

1, 2 Point R toe to right (1), Hold (2)
& 3, 4 Bring R foot in place (&), Point L toe to L (3), Hold (4)
& 5, 6 Bring L foot in place (&), Point R toe to R (5), Hold (6)
& 7, 8 Bring R foot in place (&), Point L toe to L (7), Hold (8)

1, 2 Cross Left foot over Right (1), Hold (2)
3, 4 Unwind turn Right (clockwise)
5, 6, Drop Right shoulder while raising Left shoulder (5),
Drop shoulder while raising Right shoulder (6)
7, 8 Repeat 5 & 6

Scooter Lee Enterprizes Inc.
P.O. Box 941505 - Atlanta, GA  31141   USA
1-800-531-4379    404-634-9547   FAX - 404-634-1726

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