Florida Barefootin'

Description: 32 Count, 2 Walls
Level: Beginner / Intermediate

Stella Cabeca, Dottie Wicks, Arline Winerman

Music: "Barefootin" from Scooter Lee's More of the Best CD
Note: (Dance starts after 48 counts at beginning of lyrics ìHey everybody, get on your feetî)
Quarter Turn R, Steps and Scoot/Hitches Forward - Swivel Steps R,L,R,L
(Dance Starts at 12:00 and immediately turns to 3:00 wall on count 1)
Weight on L foot turn 1/4 R (&) Step forward on R foot (1),
Scoot forward on R foot while hitching L knee (2)
Step forward on L foot (3) Scoot forward on L foot while hitching R knee (4)
Swivel forward slightly to R diagonal with R foot
Swivel forward slightly to L diagonal with L foot
Swivel forward slightly to R diagonal with R foot
Swivel forward slightly to L diagonal with L foot
Note: (Optional hand movements on 5 -8: jazz hands out to the sides with bent elbows)
Side Step to R and Hold, Half Turn R and Hold, Half Turn R and Hold, Half Turn R and Hold (continuous R turns towards the R)
Step to R side on R foot (1) hold & Snap (2)
Turn 1/2 to R stepping on L (3) hold & snap (4)
Turn 1/2 to R stepping on R (5) hold & snap (6)
Turn 1/2 to R stepping on L (7) hold & snap (8)
Note: (Low Impact optional variation: counts 3 to 6 - traveling to the R down the line of dance step together L(3) hold (4)Step R(5) hold(6) - clapping or snapping on the holds)
Point R, Hitch, Step and Drag ,Step Back & Cross, Hold, & Cross, Hold
Point R toe to R side (1), Hitch R knee in front of L (2),
Big Step to R side on R (3), Drag L to R (4) (keep weight on R)
Step L foot back (&), Cross R over L (5), hold (6)
Step L foot back (&), Cross R over L (7), hold (8)
Diagonal Stomp & Hold, Heel Knocks, Step Quarter Turn R, Kick Back, Step Half Turn L, Kick Back
Step L foot back (&) Stomp R foot at diagonal R corner (1), hold (2)
Note: (optional hand movements: cross hands in front of body & uncross - "You're Safe")
Keeping weight on balls of both feet knock heels together (swiveling heels in (3), out (&), in (4)) ‚ Weight ends on L foot.
Turn 1/4 R Stepping on R foot (5 )Kick (low flick) L foot behind body (6)
Turn 1/2 turn L on ball of R foot (7), Step on L Kick (low flick) R foot behind body (8)

Scooter Lee Enterprizes Inc.
P.O. Box 941505 - Atlanta, GA  31141   USA
1-800-531-4379    404-634-9547   FAX - 404-634-1726

Web-related Inquiries:   webmaster@scooterlee.com